
Career Clarity - resumes & job search for executives / coaching for adults transitioning to acting

Gladys Pérez

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Why I turned down a Broadway audition (part 2)

Hiya Reader, This week we celebrated Independence Day here in the United States and it made me wonder how independent we all really are. For example, in our household the bulk of the holiday was spent monitoring our dog's intense anxiety. Between scattered thunderstorms and booms from fireworks, she was.... a hot mess. We gave her the medicine her vet prescribed and when night fell, hunkered down in our closet with music blasting to wait out the fireworks. Didn't make me feel very free, ya...

11 months ago • 4 min read

It's a new year, Reader, and I wish you happiness and health for the entire year. But I have to admit that I write this with great sadness because on January 3rd my god-brother (godson to my parents) Jose Juan Colon, someone who was a big brother to me, passed away less than two months after being diagnosed with cancer. In this new year, those of us that love Jose are now left with picking up pieces, including his mother who's lost her only son after losing her husband and best friend (my...

5 months ago • 1 min read

Hi Reader, These days with the world on fire and heartbreak everywhere, it feels stupid to write to you to say “How are you and here’s a tip for working smarter/better/happier, yadda yadda yadda.” And yet, all I see in my inbox these days are Black Friday - exhortations to make offers and sell my services, and also to buy-buy-buy. This is giving me a lot of stress. I mean, yes - I am a business owner and yes, I am a consumer, but geez-louise - enough is enough! Holidays are hard, everything’s...

6 months ago • 3 min read

Hi Reader, How's your summer gone thus far? Did it fly by? Mine did and I'm ready for fall now, mainly because I bought some really adorable cool weather shoes. Since we actors and writers are still on strike, I also purchased a good pair of sneakers so I can picket more comfortably, especially in closed-toe shoe weather. August felt like it took forever to end. My friend Amy also said that waiting for school to start seemed never-ending and all she wanted to do was sleep. That tracks. But...

9 months ago • 4 min read

Hi Reader, “Beeeeeeeep. We interrupt the regularly scheduled email in order to share with you some important issues that affect your TV and movie-watching habits." It’s been a few weeks since I communicated with you, ever since my two-part article about giving yourself permission to say "NO" when presented with an opportunity you’re not ready for at the moment. There are circumstances at play this summer that feel very much larger than life--things like the intense heat we've dealt with in...

10 months ago • 3 min read

Earlier this year I was invited to audition for a workshop of a new Broadway musical. Big auditions like TV shows, films, Broadway and Off-Broadway can be difficult to come by, and to receive a request for a tape is a big win. But I said no. On paper I fit the role - heavyset, Spanish-speaking, Latin woman who’s old enough to have an 18 year old daughter. Check, check, check. But I know that despite my acting chops, videos, photos, resume and my agent pitching me, the most important and...

11 months ago • 3 min read

Hi, Reader - As January winds down I'm hearing and reading a lot of content online about "renewing" and "reviving" your Resolutions. You probably know by now that I am NOT the one to make anyone "wrong" for being human and falling off the wagon. What I do is help you figure out why you're not doing what you say you want to do and how you can get into integrity with yourself. Because in all honesty, not doing what you plan to do feels icky, doesn't it? You know it and I know it! So what is...

over 1 year ago • 3 min read

Greetings! Happy Tuesday! In case you were on the fence, my last* Vision Board workshop is tonight at 7:30PM Eastern. I'm thinking of offering new free workshops every month or every other month. If you have any requests as to what I might cover, please reply back to this message and let me know. I'm all ears! Here is the link to sign up for tonight: Talk soon, Reader! Warmly, Gladys *This is the last one I'll produce this year, but I do them for organizations...

over 1 year ago • 1 min read
new year's vision board workshop

Hi, Reader - Happy New Year. I know, I know - it's the 10th. And yet, we're still in the thick of the New Year's promises. AND its disappointments. You know it's true. Who among us hasn't felt the sting by now of grand plans gone awry? For my part, I have felt all the feels in just these 10 days- hopeful to have a plan (I got an accountability partner!), proud of doing some things I wanted to do (I meditated!), confused about not doing other things (I tried to exercise, but no...), and then...

over 1 year ago • 5 min read
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